This electronic newsletter is sent as a service to members of the Alaska Natural Resources and Outdoor Education Association. Share news of upcoming events, resources you have found, and other short messages that you would like to get out to your fellow environmental educators and ANROE members. To have an item included in the electronic newsletter, email it to Laurel_devaney@fws.gov. The next newsletter will come out during the week of November 5. Please send news!!
Workshops and Training Opportunities
1.Ketchikan- October 9 ? 11- Alaska Wood Energy Conference
2.Anchorage: October 22 ? 26- 15TH Alaska Bird Conference
3.Anchorage- October 26 ? 28- 9th Annual Bioneers in Alaska Conference
4.Kodiak- October 29- Invasive Plants of Alaska for Educators workshop
5.Hampton, Virginia- November 13 ? 17- National Association for Interpretation
Resources for Educators
6.Seminars on Science ? Online
7.Alaska Seabirds Curriculum
8.BerkeleyEarth Temperature Data
9.Columbia University Lesson Plans
10.Digital Library of Indigenous Science Resources
11.Free Underwater Images
12.Scientists Cards
Opportunities for Students
13.Application deadline October 24- Spirit of Innovation Challenge
14.Application deadline November 8- Very Best in Youth Program
15.Entry deadline: November 15- Get Outdoors for Your Community Video Contest
16.Application deadline: December 31-2012 President?s Environmental Youth Award
17.Team registration deadline December 14: Ecybermission Competition
18.University Internship Clearinghouse
19.Application deadline February 1, 2013- Student Film Competition
20.Smithsonian Quests
Opportunities for Educators
21.October 15-November 9- Recycle-Bowl Competition
22.Application deadline November 12- Shell Science Lab Challenge
23.Mystery Class ? Exploring Sunlight and the Seasons
24.Cordova and Valdez- October 9- Research on Climate Change in the Copper River Delta
25.Anchorage- October 10- Journey to Where the Sea Breaks its Back
26.Anchorage-October 10- Higgs Bosons, Neutrinos, Electrons and More- Particle Physics for the Public
27.Anchorage- October 13- Wolf Day at the Alaska Zoo
28.Sitka- November 1 ? 4- Whalefest- November 1 ? 4- Cold Rivers to the Sea: Terrestrial Connections to our Northern oceans
29.Application deadline October 12: Toolbox for Education Grants
30.Application deadline October 15: Big Help Grants
31.Application deadline October 29- Environmental education service learning grants
32.Application deadline: November 1- Marine Debris Funding
33.Application deadline: November 15- Environmental Education Funding Opportunity for Youth Projects
34.Application deadline: November 21- Environmental Education Regional Grants
35.Denali National Park- Program Director for the Denali Education Center
36.Anchorage- Youth Employment in Parks Program Manager (YEP)
37.Anchorage- Science Outreach position with UAF?S Cooperative Extension Service
38.Anchorage- Volunteers are needed for the Alaska Marine Science Symposium
Workshops and Training Opportunities
1. Ketchikan- October 9 ? 11- Alaska Wood Energy Conference will be held at the Ted Ferry Center. The conference will focus on community use of wood biomass. Sessions will cover success stories; converting to and operating a biomass system; forestry resources; and equipment. For more information, contact Bob Gorman, Sitka Extension agent, at 907-947-9413 or rfgorman@alaska.edu or Debbie Carter, Extension public information officer, at 907-474-5406 or at email at dscarter@alaska.edu or go to www.uaf.edu/ces/conferences/awec2012..
2. Anchorage: October 22 ? 26- 15TH Alaska Bird Conference will be held at the Hotel Captain Cook Every two years, researchers and managers convene to report on all aspects of bird biology, management and conservation in Alaska. The conference includes presentations from researchers on cutting-edge research, encourages up-and-coming researchers with student awards, and honors a dedicated ornithologist with the Pete Isleib award. For more information, go to http://www.alaskabirdconference.com/. Early bird registration ends October 1. Register at http://www.eventbrite.com/event/1070611227/eivtefrnd.
3. Anchorage_ October 26 ? 28- 9th Annual Bioneers in Alaska Conference will be held at UAA. This event features local speakers and live video keynotes from the annual Bioneers Conference in San Rafael, California, featuring practical environmental solutions and innovative social strategies to restore Earth?s imperiled ecosystems and heal our human community. More details will be posted online soon. Registration will be available through Green Star at www.greenstarinc.org soon.
4. Kodiak- October 29- Invasive Plants of Alaska for Educators workshop- will be held from 12:30 to 4:30 at the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Center. Investigate the invasive plants of Alaska in this Alaska Invasive Species Conference half-day workshop. We?ll cover the ecological and societal impacts of invasive species, identification of problematic invasive species of Alaska, and methods for invasive plant control. The workshop includes hands-on use of inquiry-based lessons from Alaska-based invasive plants curricula. All K-12 formal and informal educators are welcome to enroll. FREE workshop! To register contact katie.spellman@alaska.edu. For more information or to RSVP, contact Katrina Mueller at (907)786-3637 or email katrina_mueller@fws.gov.
5. Hampton, Virgin-a- November 13 ? 17- National Association for Interpretation Workshop- www.interpnet.com/workshop/
****************************************************************************** Resources for Educators
6. Seminars on Science ? Online- Registration is open for the Fall sessions of Seminars on Science from the American Museum of Natural History. Courses are co-taught by an experienced classroom teacher and a research scientist. Upcoming courses include The Ocean System, Water, Climate Change, and more. See the website for course dates and registration deadlines. http://www.amnh.org/learn/
7. Alaska Seabirds Curriculum- The Alaska Islands and Ocean Visitor Center, an educational and research facility, is a partnership of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge (the world?s largest seabird refuge) and Kachemak Bay Research Reserve (a dynamic estuary). The website features a virtual tour, Alaska Seabirds Curriculum, and more. http://www.islandsandocean.org/education/index.html
8. BerkeleyEarth Temperature Data- Offers this data set on land-surface temperature changes for the last 250 years. The website offers summary graphs of data along with the downloadable data. http://berkeleyearth.org/
9. Columbia University Lesson Plans- Each summer, Columbia University?s Summer Research Program participants develop lesson plans. Most are research-inspired and reference science standards. Categories include Earth Science, Environmental Science, and more. http://scienceteacherprogram.org/lesson.htm
10. Digital Library of Indigenous Science Resources- Is an online library collection of text, video, audio, and image files of indigenous science. The library includes knowledge about the natural world as well as methods of teaching and learning about the natural world. http://www.dlisr.org/index.html
11. Free Underwater Images -This website promotes increased awareness of the marine environment by allowing users to download free, high quality underwater photos. All images are in the public domain and free for any use without prior written permission and without fee or obligation. Images can be used for any non-commercial purpose. http://freeunderwaterimages.com/
12. Scientists Cards- A set of trading cards that can be printed and used in the classroom. These cards show kids what scientists look like, what they do, and give advice for students. The website also offers a lesson plan example, showing how the cards can be used in the classroom. http://www.naturalinquirer.org/scientists-v-92.html
Opportunities for Students
13. Application deadline October 24- Spirit of Innovation Challenge ? Challenges youth ages 13-18 from around the globe to Get Their Genius On and conceptualize a solution in the areas of Aerospace and Aviation, Energy and Environment, Cyber Security and Technology, and Health and Nutrition. http://conradawards.org/pages/soic-challenge
14. Application deadline November 8- Very Best in Youth Program ? Honors young people ages of 14-18 who have excelled in school and are making their community and the world a better place. http://verybestinyouth.nestleusa.com/About/Default.aspx
15. Entry deadline: November 15- Get Outdoors for Your Community Video Contest. Open to Alaskan teens between the ages of 13-18 at time of submission. We are looking for videos that are related to getting more active outdoors. Potential topics could include: the importance of getting outside to reduce obesity, proper disposal of hazardous materials, safe boating and hunting practices, habitat restoration, utilizing subsistence resources, or local recycling efforts. Other topics would also be welcomed. The top entries will receive waived conference fees and a travel stipend to attend the Alaska Forum on the Environment meeting in Anchorage in early February, 2013. For more information: ttp://afevideocontest.wordpress.com/2012/09/20/home/
16. Application deadline: December 31-2012 President?s Environmental Youth Award- The PEYA program promotes awareness of U.S. natural resources while encouraging positive community stewardship by young people. One outstanding project from each of the 10 EPA regions will be selected for national recognition. www.epa.gov/peya/
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17. Team registration deadline December 14: Ecybermission Competition- is a web-based math, science, and technology competition for students in grades 6-9. Students compete for regional and national awards while working to solve problems in their community. The challenges this year include the environment, alternative sources of energy, robotics, and more. https://www.ecybermission.com/public/Login.aspx
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18. University Internship Clearinghouse- As an extension of the National Council for Science and the Environment?s (NCSE?s) Campus to Careers (C2C) program, NCSE has created an environmental internship clearinghouse with support from the UPS Foundation. The clearinghouse enables university students to search for internships in the environmental field and provides a forum for internship providers to tap into a solid community of quality applicants.
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19. Application deadline February 1, 2013- Student Film Competition ? Is designed to give middle and high school students the opportunity to showcase their creativity and knowledge of the ocean through their filmmaking skills to an elite jury of professional filmmakers, ocean conservationists, and educators. Creativity and ingenuity are encouraged. The film length is 5 minutes or less. http://www.oceanfilmfest.org/education/
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20. Smithsonian Quests- K-16 students earn digital badges by proving their knowledge of environmental topics and completing various activities in their community. For example, to earn an Oral Historian badge, students identify community members who have water-dependent careers and create artifacts for future historians to understand what life is like today. Quests are reviewed by a panel of Smithsonian experts. http://www.smithsonianconference.org/shout/badges/
Opportunities for Educators
21. October 15-November 9- Recycle-Bowl Competition is open to all elementary, middle and high schools. Participants track and report their collected recyclables (cans, bottles and paper). Online registration deadline is October 9, 2012. http://recycle-bowl.org/
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22. Application deadline November 12- Shell Science Lab Challenge- A competition for middle and high school teachers that awards laboratory resources and other prizes to school districts nationwide. Entries will be judged on the basis of several criteria, including uniqueness, creativity, and a replicable approach. http://www.nsta.org/shellsciencelab/
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23. Mystery Class ? Exploring Sunlight and the Seasons- Teachers and students are invited to participate this winter and spring in Journey North?s Mystery Class project, January 28-May 10, 2013, in which students try to find ten secret classes hiding around the globe using the changing sunlight at each site as the clue. http://www.learner.org/jnorth/tm/mclass/About.html
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24. Cordova and Valdez- October 9- Research on Climate Change in the Copper River Delta- 7:00 PM, Cordova location: US Forest service Conference Room. Valdez: Prince William Sound Science Center room 128.
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25. Anchorage- October 10- Journey to Where the Sea Breaks its Back- will be discussed at the Alaska Zoo. The lecture is free to the public, building opens at 6pm, lectures begin at 7pm. Take a virtual tour aboard the Tiglax, the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge scientific research vessel, as it travels through the Aleutians Islands. Just in from this year?s 20,000 mile voyage, Billy Pepper, the ship?s captain, will share photos and stories of the wildlife and research from Alaska?s most remote and intensely wild coastline.
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26. Anchorage-October 10- Higgs Bosons, Neutrinos, Electrons and More- Particle Physics for the Public-is the topic at the Science Pub at TapRoot at 4pm. Get an introduction to the fundamental particles that make up the universe, from the ones you?ve heard of, like the electron, to the rare and interesting, like the featherweight and elusive neutrino, or the recently-celebrated Higgs Boson. Come early to get a seat and compete in a bit of science trivia. For other details or info on being a presenter, see ASP on Facebook or sent email to anchoragesciencepub@gmail.com.
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27. Anchorage- October 13- Wolf Day at the Alaska Zoo- Join the Alaska Zoo form noon ? 4:00 PM to celebrate their wolf pack! Zoo guests will get to enjoy a scavenger hunt, canine touch table and a wolf craft station. The zoo will also feature a station on comparing your family to the structure of wolf packs, as well as a station to teach about the diets of wolves in both captivity and the wild! For more information, contact: Marla Wales-907- 341-6458, outreach@alaskazoo.org
28. Sitka- November 1 ? 4- Whalefest- November 1 ? 4- Cold Rivers to the Sea: Terrestrial Connections to our Northern oceans- For more information, go to http://www.sitkasoundsciencecenter.org/sitka-whalefest/ or call (907) 747-7964.
29. Application deadline October 12: Toolbox for Education Grants- Offers grants to schools and parent/teacher groups. School projects should encourage parent involvement and build stronger community ties. http://www.toolboxforeducation.com/
30. Application deadline October 15: Big Help Grants- The NEA Foundation and Nickelodeon are sponsoring Student Achievement Grants to K-8 educators through Big Help Grants, rewarding the development of strategies relating to environmental awareness, health and wellness, students? right to a quality public education, and active community involvement. http://www.neafoundation.org/pages/educators/grant-programs/nea-foundation-green-grants/
31. Application deadline October 29- Environmental Education Service Learning Grants- Project SITE (Students Involved with Their Environment) is offering $2,000 to $5,000 to schools in high-need districts in Alaska and Idaho, grades 6-12. Please go to the SITE webpage to download the new Request for Proposals. http://wou.edu/tri/site/
32. Application deadline: November 15- Environmental Education Funding Opportunity for Youth Projects- The Alaska Forum is proud to offer funding opportunities of up to $5000 to support focused proposals from small communities (population less than 5000 in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, or Washington) where youth seek involvement in environmental stewardship efforts. Selected proposals will match youth with a local environmental professional or teacher who will mentor them as they address a specific concern in the community and work to solve it. Non-profit 501c3 organizations, middle schools and high schools or districts may submit proposals. Download the RFP for more information: http://www.akforum.org/PDFs/RFP2012.pdf
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33. Application deadline: November 1- Marine Debris Funding -Through this solicitation NOAA identifies marine debris removal projects, strengthens the development and implementation of habitat restoration through community-based marine debris removal, and fosters awareness of the effects of marine debris to further the conservation of living marine resource habitats, as well as contribute to the understanding of debris types and impacts. Funding of up to $2,000,000 is expected to be available for Community-based Marine Debris Removal Project Grants in FY2013. Typical awards will range from $15,000 to $150,000. For more information, go to http://marinedebris.noaa.gov/funding/welcome.html#crp or contact Erika Ammann at 907-271-5118 or email erika.ammann@noaa.gov.
34. Application deadline: November 21- Environmental Education Regional Grants
The purpose of this program is to increase public awareness and knowledge about environmental issues. It provide the skills that participants need to make informed environmental decisions and take responsible actions toward the environment. http://epa.gov/education/pdf/solNotice2012.htm
35. Denali National Park- Program Director for the Denali Education Center to oversee residential, day, and youth programs and collaborate with the Executive Director and other Directors to develop and implement long term program plans and supervise staff for residential and youth programs. Duties: Hire, train, and supervise Residential Program Manager, Youth Program Manager, and Lead Instructor, develop new residential and day programs for youth, mature travelers, and intergenerational groups, work with Executive Director on program fundraising needs; provide assistance with grant research and applications, prepare and negotiate program budgets. To apply, send resume and cover letter to Jodi Rodwell, Executive Director, at jodi@denali.org or contact (907) 683-2597. For information about the Denali Education Center, go to www.denali.org.
36. Anchorage- Youth Employment in Parks Program Manager (YEP) ? The YEP Program Manager will coordinate the Youth Employment in Parks program, including recruitment, grant writing, project planning, budget management, and program development. Recruit and manage a diverse staff, including teen crew members (ages 16-19), crew leaders (age 19+), interns, and Environmental Educator (age 21+) in implementing YEP program goals, objectives and work outcomes. For complete job description, visit http://www.anchorageparkfoundation.org/pdf/news/YEP%20Coordinator%20Announcement%202012.pdf. For questions and to submit a cover letter and resume contact Beth@anchorageParkFoundation.org. For information on the YEP program go to www.AnchorageParkFoundation.org/projects/YEP.
37. Anchorage- Science Outreach position with UAF?S Cooperative Extension Service a statewide, both urban and rural, year round positive youth development program. This position extends beyond traditional environmental education programming encompassing informal inquiry-based science investigations in hands-on activities in a myriad of project areas such as fisheries, entrepreneurship, tourism, workforce skill development, and related activities for youth and their families). Preferred knowledge, skills or abilities: Master?s Degree in relevant field; Familiarity with land grant university system and understanding of Extension?s mission; Development, implementation and evaluation of place-based experiential learning activities; Experience in developing, implementing and evaluating outdoor science inquiry programs. Open until filled. Full position description and application procedures are available at https://www.uakjobs.com/applicants/jsp/shared/frameset/Frameset.jsp?time=13.
38. Anchorage- Volunteers are needed for the Alaska Marine Science Symposium to be held January 21 ? 25 at the Anchorage Hotel Captain Cook. If you would like to get involved and take part in the 2013 AMSS, please contact Crystal Benson at crystal.benson@nprb.org.
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Source: http://anroe.wordpress.com/2012/10/09/this-electron-2/
laura dekker stephen colbert south carolina seal seal and heidi klum drew peterson untouchable herman cain south carolina palmetto
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