One ?f the mo?t ancient and common claims ag?in?t online gaming was directed t?w?rd? it? anti social nature. Internet opponents saw online gaming as the community enemy, wh??h ??u?es people t? prefer th? solitary act of playing internet games ?ver taking part in m?re traditional types ?f social activities ?u?h ?? playing sports games, visiting th? local bingo hall, etc.
However, th? growth ?nd the development of online games, made thi? claim a little bit irrelevant. About ten years of broadband internet access proves th? opposite: online gaming is a social activity by nature. From classic card, board, puzzle, ?nd sports games t? massive multi player online games (Second life, World ?f Warcraft, etc), online games ?re noth?ng but isolated and/or antisocial.
Let's tak? online backgammon f?r example. Backgammon, the ancient board game, w?? traditionally played in backgammon clubs ?? ? one-and-one game ?r ? tournament. Backgammon rules u?ed to b? spread ?round in th? ?ld fashioned viral marketing - by word ?f mouth.
But wh?t w?uld do a small town backgammon player who h?? no backgammon clubs nearby? Online gaming solved th?s dilemma. The largest online backgammon rooms host hundreds of thousands of players who ??n practice backgammon games aga?nst ea?h other, chat w?th ?ne another, discuss game tactics ?nd strategy, share information, gossip ?nd do what?v?r members ?f community d? when gather together.
Another game that proves the importance of th? social aspect ?n today's online games ?? Second Life. The r?l?t?vely new game h?s b?c?me a phenomenon. Although defined as a game, Second Life had shed ?ll traditional characteristics ?f ? game: ?t has n? rules, no strategy and no actual competition ?r goal.
Instead, Second Life players, excuse me, residents, c?n ke?p th?ms?lve? occupied in variou? social activities including buying ?nd selling stuff, throwing parties or be?ng invited t? ones, exhibiting art objects ?r visiting art exhibits ?nd involve in ?th?r life l?ke behaviors. At the ??me time the? ?an make new friends and/or foes and experience the entire scope ?f human emotions tow?rds one another.
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